

Carol in Dent

Carol in Dent

Dent is known for the “Terrible Knitters of Dent” who, back in the early 1800s turned out terrible quantities of hand knit socks, underwear, and other knit wool garments. The vision is of the whole population of Dent sitting out in chairs, young and old, up and down streets, dawn to dusk, with baskets of wool at their feet, and knit, knit, knit.

Today it is a sleepy tourist town, well off the beaten path (see yesterday’s pic), deep in the Dales. It caters to fishermen and trekkers. The streets are so narrow I have no idea how two cars meet. We made it through town to the parking on the far side without meeting anyone…and back out in the evening as well. That kind of town. It sets up on a ledge overlooking one of the most beautiful valleys in England, so picturesque it makes your shutter finger itch. Public paths extend out from the village in all directions. We hiked a half a day loop up river and down and back to the town. We did not see a single person the whole time we hiked. Peaceful isn’t even in it, as they might say in Dent.

This is the main street between the Church yard and the Post Office. The Church now doubles as a kind of local museum where you can find out all about the Terrible Knitters.

Minolta A1 at 28mm equivalent. F8.0 @ 1/640 @ ISO 100. Programmed auto.

Just Punch and Sharpen landscape in Lightroom. Blackpoint to the right slightly.

And to round out the experience, here is a bit of the Church Yard.

Church Yard and Bell Tower Museum

Church Yard and Bell Tower Museum

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