Archive for May 23rd, 2010



Lady Slipper Lineup

Happy Sunday.

Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge is the only place I have ever seen Lady Slippers growing in groups. There are two clusters there which have been spectacular the past two springs. I went out late afternoon to catch the light on these. The flip out LCD on the Canon makes these low shots easy.

Canon SX20IS at 28mm equivalent and Super-macro. F2.8 @ 1/200th @ ISO 160. Programmed auto.

In Lightroom, some Recovery for the hot pink highlights. A touch of Fill Light to compensate for Blackpoint right. Added Clarity and Vibrance. Sharpen landscape preset.

From Rachel Carson NWR Seasons.

By the time I got to the second cluster, the direct sun was no longer on them, but the color is so vibrant that it hardly matters. 🙂 Settings and processing just about identical, with the exception that this shot is at ISO 400 (and pretty good at that!) and I used Auto White Balance in Lightroom to warm the open-shade tones.