Archive for May 5th, 2010



Wild Strawberry

I still have several images from St Augustine I want to share, and I will get to them I am sure, but I want to give you a break from birds 🙂 . Suddenly the yard, and every vacant patch of waste ground, is covered with Wild Strawberry blooms. Such promise. Unfortunately I never see berries on these plants. I think something eats them long before they ripen. This plant is in our yard and is presented here 1/3 again life-sized (at least on my 1366×768 screen). The camera was sitting on the ground and I was using the flip out LCD for composition. The flower was actually inside the lens hood. 🙂 The late overcast day provided gentle indirect light. Perfect.

(Due to the vagaries of SmugMug, if you click the image to see a larger version, depending on your screen resolution, it may actually display smaller. You can use the size controls at the top of the window to see larger sizes.)

Canon SX20IS at 28mm and Super Macro. F2.8 @ 1/1000th @ ISO 200. Programmed auto.

In Lightroom, a small amount of Recovery for the whites. Blackpoint slightly right. Added Clarity and Vibrance. Sharpen landsccape preset. Cropped slightly from the left for composition.

From The Yard, Kennebunk ME.